Quantum Healing Sessions
Certified Practitioner in:
Healing Remembered, Quantum Healing, Body Code and Emotion Code
Working with quantum energy, using these modalities, is a technique used to reawaken hope, happiness, and a deep sense of wholeness and harmony. It’s where you don’t just exist, but live with joy, purpose, and mind-body-soul health.I am offering holistic, energetic, healing techniques that use the mind-body connection to promote emotional and physical wellbeing. Using a quantum connection, we navigate into the subconscious mind to unveil and release the imbalances causing you what could be years of emotional and/or physical stress.
These negative energies could be in the form of pain, depression, anxiety, sadness or any negative condition or event you are encountering now or in the past. When we carry this negative, emotional “baggage” around with us, life gets overwhelming and as a result, our physical body and mental health can begin to fail. When this happens, we then wonder how we got so out of balance and how do we heal from it now?
I am certified in the modalities that can safely identify and work on the deepest level to release the “baggage” from life’s physical and emotional trauma and pain. Once released, this energetic shift will then allow the body and mind to gain balance for a peaceful path to healing.
Find relief from mental, emotional, and physical pain. Reconnect with your true self, higher purpose, and the life you were meant to live.
These sessions are done entirely through the subconscious connection and are for all people and animals. Clearing through the quantum field is ideal for horses, pets, children and anyone desiring a pain free remote session at their convenience and do not need to be present with me.
Contact me for consultation, questions and for more in-depth pricing information.
Reflexology is a therapeutic procedure that works on reflex points in the feet that are directly connected to specific organs and body systems. By stimulating these points with pressure, it will aide in relieving pain, improving health and restoring balance to your body. I am trained and certified in the “Hartman Style of Reflexology” by the amazing Morris Hartman of Petz, Colorado.
This is a technique used to connect you with the frequencies needed for optimal wellness and healing. These frequency rates are personally detected for your individual needs and then precisely directed to you through the process of Radionics.
Contact me for further details and for all wellness possibilities that Radionics has in store for you.
Hartdrop Therapy
This is a technique using a specific selection of essential oils applied strategically on the feet and back to reach a full-body balance by releasing energy blockages and increasing energy flow.
Hartdrop Therapy helps to realign your energy, relieve stress, and improve immune function, circulation and lymphatic drainage. The essential oils used in this process have antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, Hartdrop Therapy aides in emotional support and creates balance and harmony, mentally and physically.